Feeling Lost? Don’t know what to say when someone dies? If so, let this post help you know the best words to say when someone passes away, even if this happened unexpectedly.
Whether you lost a loved one or want to extend your sympathies to a friend or a colleague who lost a family member, you will find below all you need to express your feelings during this time of grief or show help and support to those who lost a dear one.
Two of WishonDish specialists did their best to come out to us with the most heart-touching and comforting words one can say or read after death. Find solace in these words or let others do the same.
Beautiful Things to Say When Someone Dies
Let’s start with popular sayings during this difficult time:
- May God grant you patience and strength. My condolences to you and your family.
- I’m sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences.
- You are in my prayers and thoughts. If you need help during this challenging time, just call me. My condolences to you and the family.
- We are all here for you as you don’t have to go through this alone. Accept my deepest sympathies.
- I hope you find comfort during this difficult time. May you find solace in your [mom’s] memory.
Now, let’s help you say something to your loved one who passed away:
What to Say When Someone Dies Unexpectedly
- My sincerest condolences. May your dad rest in peace and may his memory live forever in your heart.
- It is so sudden. I can’t believe my adorable niece has gone. It really hurts.
- I don’t have the words, but I’m here for you. Just let me know if you need help.
- I didn’t believe when I heard the news of your mom’s passing. May her soul rest in peace.
- It’s really unexpected and happened so fast. I didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you are in peace now and smiling to me from the other world.
Related: 10+ Father Death Anniversary Quotes from Daughter
Beautiful Things to Say When Someone Dies in Islam
The popular saying in Islam when someone passes away is: “Enna Lellahi Wa Enna Elayhy Rage’oon.” and it means: “We belong to Allah, and to Him, we will return”. In arabic, it means: “إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون”
Other Islamic Sayings when Someone Dies
- “Albaqa-Oo Lellah” and it means: “Eternity is just for Allah”
- May Allah give you comfort and peace during this difficult time.
- “Shed Heilak” this is an arabic idiom that means: “Keep being strong” like a prayer for their strength and patience during this trying time.
- May Allah grant [him/her] paradise. my deepest condolences.
- “Rabena Yeg’alha Akherel Ahzan” and it means: “May God make this the end of misery.”
Thanks for reading! I hope you found the words you need to feel comfort and peace or make someone feel them. I wish we could meet on a happy occasion, but that’s life. May God’s mercy be upon all our loved ones.